


Raw Materials & Minerals

E-mail: musayapi@gmail.com

E-mail: musayapi@gmail.com

Limestone, Dolomite, Pumice, Trass, Gypsum Stone, Marble Chips, Quartz, Kaolin, Clinker, Cement, White Cement, Calcium Aluminat Cement, Bauxite Ore, Basalt Stone, Calcite, Micronized Calcite, Olivine, Quartz Mineral, hydrated lime, Quicklime, Felspar Sodium, Felspar Potassium, Pumice, ACC Block, Alfa Gypsum, Anhydrite, Micronized Gysum, Aluminium Paste

E-MAIL : musayapi@gmail.com

Cement, CEM I 52.5 , CEM I 42.5 , CEM Il 42.5 , CEM II 32.5, Low Alkali Cement, Low Alkaline Clinker



Our supplies a comprehensive range of bulk cements and bagged cements, which are sourced from the most reputable cement manufacturers Turkey, and are ideal for numerous applications.

> CEM I - Portland Cement 

> CEM II - Portland cement 

> CEM III - Blastfurnace Cement

> CEM IV - Pozzolanic Cement

> CEM V - Composite Cement


Cement clinkers,Gypsum Stone , Bauxite ore , Basalt Stone , Limestone , Slaked lime , quicklime , Calcite , Pumice, Basaltic Pumice, AAC Blocks ,

WEB     :  www.musayapi.com.tr

E-MAIL :  musayapi@musayapi.com.tr



PUMICE, #PumiceStones, #Pozzolan, #Pumice , #LightweightConcrete, #Lightweight_Aggregate, #Pumice_Lightweight_Aggregate, #Light_Brick, #Gardenlandscape, #Garden, #Landscape, pumice fob, pumice fob price


Natural Pumice

Production - Products


Washed Pumice

White yellow Brown Black

which are made aggregate of pumice from the Kayseri of Turkey PUMICE as HS Code No. 25131000 for building materials Production Mine Raw Natural Pumice Stone • The PUMICE produced can be supplied raw and sifted in different sizes, or it can be classified according to the desired amount and size. Production Mine Washed and Sifted Pumice Stone • The produced pumice can be supplied washed and sieved in different sizes, or it can be classified according to the desired amount and size.




PUMICE product range includes the grain compositions listed below. Pumice is

produced in these basic grain sizes on Kayseri and stored for transport.

The different grain sizes can be mixed with each other as required to meet your

specific needs. We would be happy to work out an individually tailored recipe with you

Pumice Aggregate Sizes

0- 4 mm

4-16 mm

16-40 mm





PUMICE, Natural Pumice,  Pumice Stones, Pumice Sand, Pumice Powder, Pozzolan, 
Pumice Aggregate,  Lightweight Concrete, Aggregate pumice, Lightweight Aggregate, 
Pumice Lightweight Aggregate,  Light Brick, Gardenlandscape, Garden, Landscape

#PUMICE, #Natural_Pumice, #Pumice_Stones, #Pumice_Sand, #Pumice_Powder, #Pozzolan, 
#Pumice_PUMICE, Natural Pumice,  Pumice Stones, Pumice Sand, Pumice Powder, Pozzolan, 
Pumice Aggregate,  Lightweight Concrete, Aggregate pumice, Lightweight Aggregate, 
Pumice Lightweight Aggregate,  Light Brick, Gardenlandscape, Garden, Landscape

#PUMICE, #Natural_Pumice, #Pumice_Stones, #Pumice_Sand, #Pumice_Powder, #Pozzolan, 
#Pumice_Aggregate,  #Lightweight Concrete, #Aggregate_Pumice, #Lightweight_Aggregate, 
#Pumice_Lightweight_Aggregate,  #Light_Brick, #Gardenlandscape, #Garden, #Landscape,  #Lightweight Concrete, #Aggregate_Pumice, #Lightweight_Aggregate, 
#Pumice_Lightweight_Aggregate,  #Light_Brick, #Gardenlandscape, #Garden, #Landscape

pumice stone
lightweight aggregate
lightweight concrete
light sand
light aggregate
white pumice
gray pumice
yellow pumice
brown pumice
red pumice
black pumice
mixed colors pumice
pumice mixed colors



#Bimsstein, #natürlicher Bims, #leichtes_Aggregat, #Leichtbeton
#Aggregat, #Beton, #Zement, #Klinker

#пемза, #натуральная_пемза, #легкий_заполнитель, #легкий_бетон
#совокупность, #цемент, #клинкер

#pierre ponce, #pierre ponce naturelle, #béton léger
#agrégat, #ciment, #mâchefer

#piedra pómez, #piedra pómez natural, #relleno ligero, #concreto ligero
#cemento, #escoria de huella

PUMICE, Pumice Stones, Pumice Sand, Pumice Powder, Pozzolan, Pumice Aggregate, Lightweight Concrete, Aggregate pumice, Lightweight Aggregate, Pumice Lightweight Aggregate, Light Brick, Gardenlandscape, Garden, Landscape


PUMICE, Pumice Stones, Pumice Sand, Pumice Powder, Pozzolan, 
Pumice Aggregate,  Lightweight Concrete, Aggregate pumice, Lightweight Aggregate, 
Pumice Lightweight Aggregate,  Light Brick, Gardenlandscape, Garden, Landscape



#Базальтовый камень #Дробление базальтового камня #Базальтовые крошки #Базальтовый щебень #BasltCrushingStone #Базальтовый гравий #Черный базальт дробленый


Базальтовый щебень - БАЗАЛЬНАЯ ГРАВИЯ
Горячий продавать базальтовый гравий для оптовых
Применение: Строительство, Строительство дорог, Асфальт, Метро, Железная дорога.

#Базальтовый камень
#Дробление базальтового камня
#Базальтовые крошки
#Базальтовый щебень
#Базальтовый гравий
#Черный базальт дробленый

Базальтовый заполнитель
размеры: 0-5мм, 5-10мм, 10-20мм, 15-20мм
Мы производим для запрошенных размеров






pumice stones
pumice sand
pumice powder (pozzolan), 
pumice aggregate 
Lightweight Concrete
Aggregate pumice
Lightweight Aggregate 
pumice Lightweight Aggregate 
light brick

PUMICE, Pumice Stones, Pumice Sand, Pumice Powder, Pozzolan, 
Pumice Aggregate,  Lightweight Concrete, Aggregate pumice, Lightweight Aggregate, 
Pumice Lightweight Aggregate,  Light Brick, Gardenlandscape, Garden, Landscape

Basalt Stone,Crushing Basalt Stone,Basalt Chippings,Basalt Crushed Stone,BASALT CRUSHING STONE,Basalt Gravel,Black Basalt Crushed

Basalt Crushed Stone - BASALT GRAVEL
Hot selling Basalt gravel for wholesales
Use :
Construction Bulding,Road construction , Asphalt , Subway , Railway

#Basalt Crushed Stone

WEB    : www.musayapi.com.tr